Friday, April 4, 2008

The fandom is not divided!

"Blogger's/ Media begin the attacks against Jericho Fandom!"

It sounds worst then it does. I have notice an increase of blogger's talking about how Jericho fandom is divided and infighting is cause problems with the efforts to bring back the show.


All I want to say that I do not see this happening. More then ever do I see fandoms working together. Jericho Monster blog promoting Jerichonet2. Radio Free Jericho being promoted on all message boards about what they are doing. The doors are open and everyone is using them. I have not see any single fan site shut its doors on another fan site. We do have arguments but we have the same goal. Season 3 for Jericho!

What caused the problem with this whole infighting was the press release from Jerichonet2 did not include any other fan site and when the press picked the release they only went with what they had in their hands, the press release. Other fan sites felt sore, including me, about being left out of the spot light. But instead of releasing their own press releases and creating confusion in the press poll with a bunch of press releases they just vented on the message boards. Hence the infighting and the view that the fandom was falling apart.

Now, I hope this makes sense to you. It took me awhile. Lucky terocious's response to a comment to gave me the understanding on what was going on with all the infighting.

Yes, there are people out on the message boards that their whole goal is to make us sad and cause fights. Lucky there is a opinion called ignore user. I have done it to many of people. So, I do not have to read their bad comments ever again.

We are not divided! We are stronger then ever and more determined then ever to get a season 3 for Jericho! Join me and fight for Season 3!


~ Wendy ~ said...

umm, excuse me but please go back and read the articles you linked in your entry. The press release had nothing at all to do with the divide or "rift" that was happening on the boards. Nothing at all. Heck, except for a few comments I don't think many fans even realized there was an issue with the press release not including all the other links for the other fandoms/blogs/forums.

What caused the "rift" - as mentioned in the articles and as seen on the CBS boards was the negative comments and lack of supportive and positive leadership that was occuring because one leader could not find it to be support of another's idea - even IF the main goal for BOTH "leaders" was to get Jericho back for a season 3..
One "leader" felt it was best to lead by being negative and making fun of the others ideas and suggestions .. the other "leader" fell into the same pattern BUT when both were called to change and be more supportive by numerous fans the 2nd "leader" was able to turn it around and started leaving only positive and supportive comments.. the first "leader" choose to remain close minded and stick to his idea was the only way to win back another season on a different network .. I even read his response to someone who wanted to get a world wide Jericho "party" going to be more negative by pointing out how hard it would be to do that and how many things would go wrong instead of trying to guide and postively lead through the obstacles. It was a cool idea but if that leader can't support it then I don't see his followers helping either ..
THIS is what caused - and I say "caused" because it seems that many, many of the fans have listened to the cries to "stop" and be postive and are now doing that more and more often ... so that divide does not even appear to be an issue any more - and it NEVER had ANYTHING to do with the press release. It seems this is just a way to gain attention for yourself and your forum and that is fine BUT it is sad that you now appear to be trying to stir up that pot again - the boards have been very positive and the fans united for the past week or so.

JT said...

What forum? You mean my little crappy message board like two people have joined. i find it funny 48 people wanted the forum and I give it to them and they don't do anything with them.

I am not drawing attention to my self. Have to see my post anything about my opinion page on CBS message boards or any other fan sites? The only link is on the and on the newsletter where it says opinion page and thats for the subcribers.

So, two things down.

No one is leaders here. I am hell not a letter. I am just a simple fan that likes to tell people whats going on and give my stupid little opinion.

If the fandom was divied at that time why the hell did the news pick it up? They just like making news up?

I don't know. You have a good point but it falls apart if you look at it differently.

Supportive effeort is if everyone was mentioned on the press release vs just talking about one site. Yes, one site idea is great. But after being ripped a new one by someone there and them not responding back shows me how deep of a person they are. Everyone is lucky I am not like normal people and did not removed everyone assocarted with that site off the newsletter/site. But that would go back on the goal. Report on everything that is going on in the Jericho fandom.

I still find it funny i am trying to get attention when I did not post anything about my blogs posting anywere! LOL

~ Wendy ~ said...

Jason - sorry - I meant trying to gain interest in your newsletter . not necessarily your forum. And as far as the forum goes ... people can be strange that way - "yes we want this" and then when it is given to them they forget they asked for it or decide they no longer want/need it.

I was trying to get across that the fandom was divided over the two individuals who had different ideas and followers - not over a press release that few fans were even aware of - the news articles you mention spoke about the leaders needing to come together - not- about the press release.

but - as you said.. it can all be interpatation .. (sorry for the spelling errors . it's been a long day).

I don't envy your position here but I do respect that you are trying to be impartial when it comes to reporting what is happening with Jericho. Yes, you had a bit of a rough start getting there but it did bring about this opinion page and that is a positive, right? maybe? some days perhaps more so then others? :-)